The following are links to some other publications, reviews, credits or articles that include works by Stuart Cudlitz. These items are reprinted here for the purpose of reference only.
The Animation Book
As Seen on TV
Dreamworks Magazine
Press Clippings
The following are links to some internet search results that include promotional materials, reviews, credits or articles on works by Stuart Cudlitz. These items are reprinted here for the purpose of reference only.
- Governor's Conference on Art And Technology: Excerpts from Gary O. Larson's report on the 1997 AT&T sposored conference panels with his specific commentary on presentations by Georgia Bergman (Warner Bros. Records), David Bolt (CCAC), Stuart Cudlitz (Colossal Pictures) and Brenda Laurel (writer, researcher and designer).
- Inside Education: An article by Ellen Adams on the Broderbund/Random House published Living Books series focusing on the publication of Ruff's Bone, the first original title for the children's CD-ROM imprint (created and produced by the (Colossal)Pictures New Media Division).
- Colossal Pictures; Animation World Article 1996: An article written by Karl Cohen commenting on the SF Chronicle Business section report of April 3, 1996 that Colossal was laying off about one third of its staff and that co-founder Gary Gutierrez was leaving the company.
- Colossal Pictures; ASIFA/Animation World Follow up 1996: Follow up story by Karl Cohen based on Colossal's public relations officer calling ASIFA to explain what happened.
- Colossal Pictures; ASIFA Report 1997: The March 1997 ASIFA San Francisco Newsletter article on Colossal including the topics: "Colossal Pictures Proves there is life after Chapter 11", "The Future of Colossal" and "Colossal's Successful Children".
- Media Concrete: A timeline of MediaConcrete as incorporated in March 1995 by Stuart Cudlitz, George Consagra and Anne Ashbey and as formerly the management team of (Colossal)Pictures New Media Division. This 1998 Item features MediaConcrete's company milestones and some of the groups highlights and achievements from 1990 to 1998.
- In Touch/Examiner: Article from the San Francisco Examiner (08/01/93) by David Armstrong focusing on the development of became known as Media Gultch: "Multimedia / The New Hollywood? In San Francisco artists, techies and entrepreneurs are creating the future of comminication".
- SIGCHI; Kuchninsky: A synopsis on the Multimedia Information Exploration paper prestented to SIGCHI98 by HP scientist Allan Kuchinsky. The presentation was based his work following his collaborations with Stuart Cudlitz on the interface design for multimedia organization and retrieval.
- Wired; Design Innovations 1993: The 1993 premiere publication of WIRED magazine was accompanied by a great deal of attention to its design and digital publishing methods. This is one of many John Plunkett interviews on the subject with credits to contributors.
- Wired Street Cred Contributors v.1.02: These are the distinquished original contributors to the Street Cred section of WIRED. Fine company.
- Wired; Toon Town Reveiw: A review of the then just opened TOON TOWN section of Disneyland in Anaheim. Written by Stuart Cudlitz and edited by John Battelle.
- Wired Nov 1993 Electric Word; Moxy Commentary:Toon Dog by Kevin Kelley. WIRED Editor Kevin Kelley's take on the development of Moxy, the first full body motion capture and performance animation character. Created for Cartton Network by (Colossal)Pictures' New Media Division and Digital Media Division, that went on to respectively become Media Concrete and (Proto)zoa.
- Ethan Russell; Site Credits: This acknowledgment resides on Ethan's site. Ethan is a world renown photographer, writer, filmmaker, and designer/director of entertainment and education interactive and online media. Go to : www.EthanRussell.com
Copyright © 2006 Stuart Cudlitz
All Writing, Artworks and Design © Stuart Cudlitz unless otherwise registered.