E t h a n R u s s e l l
Site Credits

This site was designed, coded, written, and largely put together by me using Microsoft Front Page, but not without some help from my friends. Andy Caulfield took the photograph of me that appears in the opening screens. My friend Stuart Cudlitz, artist and interactive designer*, consulted with me on numerous occassions providing both specific suggestions and enthusiastic support. Greg Hale Jones composed the midi music you're able to hear if you're browsing with Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher.
Since the implementation of the midi files was so much easier with IE than with Netscape, they get a nod, below. Finally, as part of preparing this site I was influenced by a book called "Creating Killer Web Sites." Worth checking out.
Click here to go the the Ethan Russell Home Page or here to see a text table of contents.
* Stuart designed the montage of me at the top of this page and gave it to me as a birthday present. It's nice to have talented friends.
Copyright © 2005 Stuart Cudlitz
All Writing, Artworks and Design © Stuart Cudlitz unless otherwise registered.